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The Origin of Bolívar Cigars

The Bolívar cigar brand symbolizes strength, heritage and boldness in the world of Cuban cigars. Established around 1901 or 1902 by Jose F. Rocha, a Spanish businessman, the company was named after Simon Bolívar, a South American revolutionary leader who helped liberate much of the continent from Spanish rule. Bolívar was well-known for his determination and power and became the perfect inspiration for the brand that was designed to represent strength and quality.

The Rise of Bolívar Cigars

From the beginning, Bolívar cigars stood out from others for their intense, full-bodied flavor and brilliant craftsmanship. Produced in Havana, the capital of Cuba, the cigars were deemed to be some of the strongest in the world. They appealed to smoking enthusiasts who sought a bold and memorable smoking experience. The blend was crafted with the finest quality of Cuban tobaccos, reflecting the quality and complexity that the company became known for.

Transition to the Cifuentes Family

In 1954, the Bolívar brand underwent a transformation after having been acquired by the Cifuentes Family who owned the Partagas factory in Havana. The production of Bolívar cigars was shifted to this iconic and legendary factory which was renowned for its expertise in crafting premium Cuban cigars. Under the ownership of the Cifuentes Family, the brand grew further and built its reputation as one of the most robust and luxurious Cuban cigars available in the market.

Flavor Profile

Bolívar cigars can be recognized by their full-bodied flavor profiles, making them the favorites among seasoned smokers who appreciate complexity and depth. The cigars are characterized by rich, earthy notes that are the foundation of their flavor, often accompanied by layers of wood, spice and leather. To add to that, these notes are often complemented by hints of cocoa and coffee. Popular vitolas include Royal Coronas, Petit Coronas, Belicosos Finos, with each offering a unique flavor and experience.

A Testament to Luxury

In today’s world, Bolívar cigars remain a symbol of Cuba’s luxurious lifestyle and craftsmanship. The brand is widely celebrated by aficionados around the world. With over a century of existence, Bolívar continues to honor its legacy by producing cigars that carry the spirit of the legendary Simon Bolívar and the art of Cuban cigar-making. Smokers who appreciate powerful, richly-flavored cigars consistently turn to Bolívar because of which it has cemented its spot as one of the most iconic brands in the history of Cuba.